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As mass casualty events grow increasingly common and deadly, with 692 shootings in 2021, it’s up to the American public to empower themselves with the education to stop a hemorrhage.[1] The STOP THE BLEED® Campaign is doing just that. The initiative began in 2013 after 28 children and staff were killed at the Sandy Hook …

Iodine vs. Neosporin for Wound Cleaning

Iodine Wipes vs. Neosporin

When it comes to treating minor cuts or scrapes, choosing between iodine wipes and Neosporin can feel confusing. Both options are widely available, but knowing which one to use is key to promoting proper healing. One concern people often have is preventing infections. Iodine wipes offer quick disinfection, while Neosporin adds a layer of antibiotic …

What is Pre-Wrap and How is it Used?

Pre-wrap is a lightweight, foam-based item commonly used in sports emergency accessories and medical settings. This product can be purchased in various colors and sizes for different needs. Its primary function is to protect the skin by creating a barrier between adhesive tape and the body. This helps avoid irritation or discomfort, especially for athletes who …

First Aid Supplies & Maintenance

Refill Your First Aid Kit The use of a first-aid kit is commonplace. However, few people understand the need of keeping your First Aid Kit well-stocked. This ensures that you have immediate access to first aid supplies needed to treat a medical problem. If your first-aid kit is understocked, a dangerous situation becomes much worse. …