Showing 56 Result(s)

What’s the Deal with DEET?

Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t but chances are you’ve used it. DEET is a chemical that is used in most insect repellents to distract those pesky mosquitos from finding you. It also keeps other insects like fleas and ticks away too. There are some obvious benefits to using DEET, but just like …

What are Antacids Used For?

Stomach discomfort often strikes at the worst times, leaving many feeling helpless. This discomfort can range from mild heartburn to more intense acid reflux, and without relief, it can quickly interfere with daily activities. Many individuals face this issue regularly, which can lead to significant frustration. A fact to note: over 60 million Americans experience …

different isopropyl alcohol bottles

How to Use Alcohol in First Aid and Beyond?

When accidents happen, quick and effective first aid is crucial. Alcohol is a common household item, but many people aren’t sure how to use it correctly in emergencies. Misunderstanding its role can lead to improper treatment or even worsening the situation. For instance, while alcohol can disinfect a wound, using it on a large cut …