Showing 56 Result(s)

When Does A Sinus Infection Require Visiting An Urgent Care?

Sinus infections can be a common and uncomfortable condition, and in most cases, they can be managed with home remedies and over-the-counter medications. However, there are times when a sinus infection may require a visit to urgent care for prompt medical attention.  Understanding the signs and symptoms that indicate a more severe infection or potential …

why does sunburnt skin peel-01

Why Does Sunburned Skin Peel?

Sunburn can leave skin feeling tight, painful, and sensitive. As the days pass, it often begins to peel, which adds to the discomfort. Many wonder why this happens, and the peeling can be as frustrating as the burn itself. The answer lies in how the body repairs the damage caused by overexposure to the sun. …

Our History as a Medical Kitting Provider

Being in the medical kitting industry for over 20 years has taught us that there are endless applications for customized medical kits. Safety is a priority in any situation which is how custom kits have come to make up a large part of the E-firstaidsupplies business. We’ve worked with clients from all kinds of industries …