Showing 53 Result(s)

Safety in the Office

Many of us have a pre-conceived notion that when working in an office setting we won’t be hurt; only construction workers and those out in the field have the risk of getting injured. True, while working in an office, there is less of a chance to obtain a life-threatening injury; however, accidents can happen anywhere. …

Home Remedies for a Cold

There are a variety of theories on fighting the common cold, many of which are myths. Also no two people’s immune systems are identical, so not all remedies will work for everyone. With this post, we’re outlining several tips on how to knock your cold out quicker. 1. Rest When coming down with a cold, …

Dealing with Pet Emergencies

Our pets are beloved members of our families. Their safety and well-being is important to us. When they’re hurt, we want to be able to help them get better as soon as possible. Below we’ve outlined some pet emergencies and the best practices to help your pet recover quickly. Bite Wounds If your pet has …

West Nile Virus: Symptoms and Treatment

Federal officials say the number of West Nile virus cases reported in the United States this year through September is the highest year-to-date total since 1999 when it was first detected in this country. With a reported 1,993 cases of West Nile virus as of September 4th nationwide, including 87 deaths, this outbreak is affecting …

home health care patient

What is Home Healthcare?

Home healthcare is when a patient receives treatment at home instead of in a hospital. There are multiple reasons people may need assistance while living at home. The biggest reason is not having the means or capability to transport themselves to a hospital for regular treatments. This can stem from age, illness, or injury, regardless, …