Showing 53 Result(s)

How Do I Find Quality Medical Care Abroad?

This post on medical care abroad is the first of a three part series on International Travel. Check back as we bring you more information about seeing the world. Visiting a foreign country is an adventure like no other, and it all seems very glamorous and exciting when you plan a trip to your dream …

Learn CPR: It Could Save A Life

It is a new year and that means it is a good time to brush up on your first aid skills, especially CPR. Every year, 383,000 cardiac arrests occur, and over 80 percent of these are in the home. Learning basic CPR can help to save the life of someone you love. Cardiac arrest can …

Identifying and Treating the Symptoms of Frostbite

Frostbite is a concern in the winter months for anyone who spends substantial time outdoors. In the most minor cases it can cause temporary discomfort and in the most serious cases it can require an amputation. Understanding how it is caused and recognizing the symptoms can help to alleviate some of the risk. Frostbite is …