female factory worker wearing appropriate ppe

3 Ways to Increase Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety is an important topic for both businesses and employees to consider. In 2020, the Center for Disease Control collected 1.8 million reports of workplace injuries that involved emergency treatments. As well, the National Safety Council reported a total cost of $163.9 billion from workplace injuries. This number included wage and productivity costs, medical expenses administrative expenses, employers’ uninsured costs, motor-vehicles related work incidents, and property lost to fire. It is in everyone’s best interest to try to increase safety awareness in the workplace.

Depending on the type of place you work, workplace safety can mean different things. In a factory or at a construction site, there can be all kinds of mechanical and environmental danger, while in an office, there can be eye fatigue and carpal tunnel dangers. Here are three ways that you can improve workplace safety today:


Every employee of a business should know all the safety procedures for the hazardous equipment on the premises. Every employee should know where to go in case of an emergency, who to call, and how to prevent an emergency.

Workplace Safety Committee

Establishing a safety committee will let you have a team of people who can occasionally meet and discuss safety initiatives for the company. This committee can also be the people who will react, help and document if there is a safety related incident. You should schedule more extensive training for those on the safety committee, including CPR and AED training so they can be trained to help in emergency situations. But remember: The first thing that should happen in a workplace accident is to call 911!

First Aid Kits

You should purchase first aid kits that are appropriate for the number of people and the types of activities that are in your facility. For high-risk environments like construction sites, a Construction First Aid Kit is essential. These kits contain specialized supplies to handle injuries common in construction settings, such as deep cuts, burns, and fractures. Metal, Plastic and Soft first aid kits are available and each have pros and cons. Everyone should know where first aid kits are located and that they can access them whenever needed. ANSI First Aid Kits help you to be compliant with industrial regulations. Wall mountable first aid kits are the best options. Wall mountable kits are easy to spot and have a large carrying capacity.