How to Use a SAM Splint

The SAM Splint—short for “Structural Aluminum Malleable” Splint—is a versatile and valuable tool in medicine and emergency care known for being a flexible and moldable device used to immobilize and support injured limbs or body parts. It’s easy to use and provides effective temporary stabilization for fractures, sprains, and other musculoskeletal injuries.  What is a SAM …

Why First Aid Training is Important for Coaches

Sports and recreational activities are integral to our lives, providing numerous benefits ranging from physical fitness to mental well-being. Behind the scenes of these activities are coaches who guide and inspire participants to achieve their goals, develop skills, and foster a sense of camaraderie. While coaches are primarily known for their expertise in training and …

Lacerations vs. Abrasions

In our day-to-day lives, we often encounter various minor injuries, and two common types that many of us have experienced are lacerations and abrasions. While these terms sound technical, they refer to different types of injuries to our skin. Let’s delve into what lacerations and abrasions are, how they differ, and how to treat and …