How to Clean Up Vomit

Cleaning up vomit is a task most people dread, yet it’s something many of us will face at some point. The smell, the mess, and the concern over proper sanitation can be overwhelming. Many worry about the risk of germs spreading, especially when it’s in a public or shared space. One fact to keep in …

Our History as a Medical Kitting Provider

Being in the medical kitting industry for over 20 years has taught us that there are endless applications for customized medical kits. Safety is a priority in any situation which is how custom kits have come to make up a large part of the E-firstaidsupplies business. We’ve worked with clients from all kinds of industries …

Treating Kitchen Burns

Kitchen First Aid Tips: Burn Treatment (Updated for 2024)

Burns are one of the most common kitchen accidents, often caused by hot surfaces, boiling liquids, or splattering grease. The pain can be intense, and if not treated quickly, burns may lead to infection or scarring. Many people aren’t sure how to handle a burn immediately, making the situation even more stressful. In fact, the …

Person in Kitchen alone

Kitchen First Aid Tips: Cuts

Accidents in the kitchen can happen in the blink of an eye, whether it’s a minor burn, a knife slip, or a spill leading to a fall. With so many potential hazards, it’s important to be ready for unexpected injuries while cooking. Did you know that cuts from kitchen knives are among the most common …