Showing 5 Result(s)

Can A First Responder Prescribe Medicine?

If you’re intrigued by the role of first raiders, chances are you have a whole bunch of questions surrounding the subject. Perhaps you’ve previously heard someone calling themselves a first aider, and are wondering what this really means. How easy is it to become a first aider, and what exactly does the role involve?  Perhaps …

snake bite hand venom

First Aid for Snakebites

Snakebites can turn a peaceful outing into a life-threatening emergency. Without the right knowledge, panic can set in, making it harder to respond effectively. Each year, nearly 5.4 million people are bitten by snakes, and a significant portion of these cases result in serious complications or fatalities. Understanding what to do in those critical moments …

Good First Aid Kit Hygiene

Being prepared for injuries and accidents by owning a first aid kit is extremely important; however knowing what your first aid kit contains is just as important. Many times medications have expiration dates that are in first aid kits and are of no use once past the expiration date. Also, replenishing your first aid kit …